

B.A., B.S., Minor

single-paper-background biology collage

Biology students at Hollins develop a broad understanding of life – both plant and animal. You’ll explore the organization and processes of each, from cells through organ systems to species and evolution to populations and ecosystems.

All along the way, our faculty, who offer expertise in fields ranging from genetics, ecology, and human physiology to microbiology, zoology, and ornithology, will help you grow broad scientific and technical skills. You’ll seamlessly integrate challenging classwork, experiential learning, and research/fieldwork.



If you are interested in going on to medical school, vet school, or graduate programs in the health sciences or biology, the bachelor of science degree includes the necessary courses required of most programs.

Complete a bachelor of arts in biology and you can pursue a variety of careers in the biological sciences. You can become a research assistant, environmental consultant, or a teacher at the elementary or secondary level.

Internships are required and guaranteed for biology majors


Requirements for a minor in biology include two core courses in biology and their accompanying laboratories and three 200-level or above elective courses in biology.

Research and Abroad Opportunities

Research Opportunities
Hollins students have opportunities to work closely with faculty mentors to conduct meaningful research. Whether it’s a several week summer research project in Hollins’ Summer Fellows research program or a yearlong senior honors thesis, students at all stages and of all interests are able to gain valuable research experience right here at Hollins. Learn more

Abroad Opportunities
Hollins has formal partnerships with the University of Limerick in Ireland and the School for Field Studies (SFS), which allows students to go abroad during the regular semester and take courses that will count toward their biology major. SFS is particularly well-suited for students interested in field biology as they have programs all over the world that focus on different topics relevant to that particular ecosystem and/or place-based conservation issue. Meanwhile, the University of Limerick offers a wide variety of courses in the sciences; their equine studies program is often of particular interest to pre-vet students.

Ecuador! A Bio-Cultural Journey on the Equator
In this January Short Term course, students immerse themselves in one of the most biologically and culturally rich countries on the planet. Over the course of 17 days in the Andean highlands and the Amazon jungle, participants work at an ecological field station, engage in home stays with Indigenous communities, volunteer with environmental organizations, and take part in several ongoing research projects related to biodiversity and beyond.

Ecuador Short Term trip

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Sigma Xi

Sigma Xi is a scientific research honor society created to distinguish exceptional scientists who want to be at the forefront of impacting world change through research. As a university that promotes scientific research and advancements, it is no surprise that Hollins was awarded a chapter from one of the oldest and largest scientific organizations in the world. Learn more about Sigma Xi >

"Working with biology professor Elizabeth Gleim on tick research was really easy. Initially she showed me what to do and I worked under her supervision. Once we both felt comfortable that I could do the work on my own, she let me go off and do my own thing. It’s great preparation for when I pursue a Ph.D. or even get a job in lab work. Knowing you’re trusted is a great confidence builder.”

Aliya Agiurre

“You believe you’re an equal with your professors. You bond with them, and you never feel like you’re on your own. And with the small number of students in the major’s upper classes, you get to know everyone.”

Cat Bussani

“The [biology] professors are amazing. They’re incredibly knowledgeable, and they’re so willing to talk with you about your research and interests, their research, and the opportunities that are available. That’s something you don’t get in a larger school, that personal connection with your professors. My experience across the board with the biology department has just been great.”

Emily Jones '24

I enjoyed the fact that [Hollins] was small and you matter more here as a student than at big colleges. You could make connections with your professors. I just really enjoy learning about the intricacies of the physical world [and] I believe I am ahead of the curve because I have been exposed to so many different lab techniques.

Geneva Waynick

As an undergrad, Sunny Greene ’19 spent two summers as part of a research team in the Undiagnosed Diseases Program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the world’s largest medical research hospitals. Now, she’s a post-baccalaureate fellow at NIH and preparing to apply to M.D./Ph.D. programs in the U.S. and abroad.

Sunny Greene