Links for
Joan Carris
- Magic at the Bed and Biscuit, Candlewick, 2010
- Wild Times at the Bed and Biscuit, Candlewick, 2009
- Welcome to the Bed and Biscuit, Candlewick, 2006
- S.A.T. Success (with CD), Peterson’s, 1998
- Success With Words, Peterson’s, 1998
- Peterson’s SAT Word Flash: the Quick Way to Build Verbal Power For the new SAT—and Beyond, Peterson’s, 1997
- Peterson’s SAT Success, Peterson’s, 1996, 1997
- Panic Plan for the SAT: How to Score Your Best at the Last Minute, Peterson’s, 1995, 1998
- Beware the Ravens, Aunt Morbelia, Little, Brown and Company, 1995, (Recorded Books, 1997)
- Peterson’s Success with Words, Peterson’s, 1994
- Just a Little Ham, Little, Brown and Company, 1993, (French and Finnish editions, 1994)
- A Ghost of a Chance, Little, Brown and Company, 1992
- Howling for Home, Little, Brown and Company, 1992
- Aunt Morbelia and the Screaming Skulls, Pocket Books, 1990, (Recorded Books, 1995; French edition, 1998)
- Hedgehogs in the Closet, HarperCollins, 1990
- The Greatest Idea Ever, HarperCollins, 1990
- SAT Success: Peterson’s Study Guide to English and Math Skills For College Entrance Examinations (with William R. McQuade and Michael R. Crystal), Peterson’s, 1987, 1996
- Pets, Vets, and Marty Howard, Dell, 1987
- Witch Cat, Harper, 1984, (“CBS Story Hour Special,” 1985)
- Rusty Timmons’ First Million, Harper and Row, 1985
- When the Boys Ran the House, Harper, 1983
- Stolen Bones, Little, Brown and Company, 1993
- The Revolt of 10-X, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980, (French edition, 1982)