  • The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Saluda, North Carolina, 1891-1991, The Reprint Company, 1992
  • Nonlinear Topics in Ocean Physics: Proceedings of the International School of Physics (Enrico Fermi) Couse Cix: Varenna on Lake Como Villa Monas (editor), North-Holland, 1991
  • Reap the Whirlwind: Augusta in the Revolution, Sandlapper Publishing, 1989
  • The South Carolina Story, Sandlapper Publishing, 1988, 1991
  • Topics in Ocean Physics: Varenna on Lake Como…7th-19th July 1980 (Proceedings of the International School of Physics) (with P. Malanotte Rizzoli), Elsevier Science Ltd., 1982
  • Storm in the Backwoods, Holly Hill Publishers, 1981
  • Wind from the Main, Sandlapper Press, 1972