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DRAFTWORKS: A Studio Salon

location icon for event Event Location: Botetourt, Studio II time icon for event Event Time: Sunday, June 18, 2023: 8 pm
DRAFTWORKS is a dance department and M.F.A. dance event inaugurated during fall 2005 and spring 2006. The platform was designed to provide a space for intimate, nontraditional, radical, often-times explicit performance work to be shared with the dance department community and guests. DRAFTWORKS: A Studio Salon was designed to challenge makers and witnesses to consider options for making and presenting work that does not have to subscribe to traditional/conventional forms, genre categorizations, and notions of final dances (dance show). M.F.A. Dance Year Residency graduate student, Eiby Lobos, will share their most recent and vibrant work-in-progress in this informal studio setting