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Sarah Holland '64

Focus on Philanthropy

Financial fitness: Grade A

Forbes ranks Hollins in top 100

Hollins received an A in the 2013 Forbes College Financial Grades, which the magazine says “measure the fiscal soundness of more than 900 four-year, private, not-for-profit schools with more than 500 students.” Forbes lists Hollins’ “financial GPA” as 4.013 out of a maximum 4.5, 76th in the country and third in Virginia behind Washington and Lee University (10th) and the University of Richmond (42nd).

Hollins’ endowment had grown to $169 million as of September 30, 2013, nearly double what it was a decade ago. Donors contributed more than $3.8 million to the endowment in fiscal year 2012-13. In addition to showing a strong endowment growth, Hollins operates with balanced budgets and no debt.


“Supporting the institution that meant so much to me”

Planned giving spotlight: Sarah Holland ’64

Sarah Holland '64Why did you decide to make a planned gift for Hollins, instead of an outright gift? Why now?
I first put Hollins in my will decades ago. As soon as I had a will, Hollins was in it. Now that time has passed, I am setting up a trust for my own personal financial situation. And as I look ahead to my 50th reunion later in 2014, this is the perfect time to solidify these plans. When I realized I would never have a daughter I could send to Hollins, I knew Hollins would be substantial in my will because I still want to provide support to the institution that meant so much to me.

What inspires you to give to Hollins?
Gratitude for what Hollins gave to me, and affection for the institution and what it stands for. There are a number of institutions that are important to me, but in terms of significance, Hollins tops the list. Hollins changed my life, from my major in English to my time in Paris on Hollins Abroad. I am eternally grateful for the experience of being at Hollins. I want to ensure its sustainability, and it makes me feel good to be able to do so.

What are the benefits for you?
A planned gift assures my commitment to a place I believe in, after I’m gone. I support Hollins during my lifetime. Why wouldn’t I want to continue that? Just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I no longer care! On a more serious note, it is a perpetual investment in my Hollins diploma. As long as Hollins is there, I want it to be supported.

Why do you think alumnae should include Hollins in their planned giving?
You don’t have to be a capital-P Philanthropist to make a planned gift. No matter what level of support you can give to Hollins, there is joy in sustaining your alma mater. Hollins is a great place to be from—the doors opened for me, the experiences I’ve had, the community and network of alumnae. It is an underpinning of my entire life. I doubt any alumna gives more joyfully than I, but I hope others will try.

 Sarah Holland, CFRE, is a strategic coach and president of CareerFix. She is reunion chair for the class of 1964’s 50th reunion, a former Alumnae Board member, and a recipient of the Rath Award.

Donors of planned gifts are recognized as members of the Heritage Society. If you have remembered Hollins with a planned gift, or would like more information about ways to do so, please contact Hannah Alley, major gifts officer, (540) 362-6380,; or Suzy Mink ’74, senior philanthropic advisor, (540) 362-7439,

Photo: Lauren Feldman


1842 Society and Miss Matty's Circle

More than 120 leadership donors and members of the 1842 Society and Miss Matty’s Circle joined President Gray and trustees for a weekend in New York City last November. Gifts from these societies represent approximately 75 percent of total gifts from alumnae through the Hollins Fund and help ensure Hollins’ fiscal well-being. Dallas is the site of this year’s 1842 Society weekend, November 7-9. Left to right: Meghan Norden ’09, Tina Millner ’66, and Caroline Rocourt ’08.



Thank you

We gratefully acknowledge our generous and loyal donors. Thank you for your gifts. The 2012-13 Annual Report on Giving is online at


Suzy Mink and Anna Moncure

Suzy Mink ’74 returned to Hollins last fall as the senior philanthropic advisor. Contact her at or (540) 362-7439. Anna Moncure ’07 was promoted last fall to director of alumnae relations. Contact her at or (540) 362-6490.

Photos: Sharon Meador