Short Term 2012 highlights
January doldrums are chased away by the variety of classes, trips, and internships available to students during Short Term. Here are some highlights.
Part of the Caribbean Environment course taught by Renee Godard and Morgan Wilson, biology department faculty members, entailed categorizing and cleaning up trash from four shorelines on the island of St. John. Shown: Kristin Bell ’14 and Godard. In all, the group removed 5,787 items, weighing more than 125 pounds. Said Godard, “The problem of trash in our oceans, as well as that dropped by careless individuals, was very real to us all.”
Photo credit: Morgan Wilson
Olivia Hammock ’15 interned at Roanoke’s Carilion Clinic, working with orthopedic surgeon Dallas Crickenberger, shadowing other physicians there, and observing surgeries.
Photo credit : Olivia Body ’08
Julie and Julia and Me: French Cooking and Food Culture for Everyone, taught by Professor of Art Kathleen Nolan (left), involved cooking some of the classic French food that Julia Child introduced to America. Here Nolan watches Katie Gerhardt ’16 prepare a chicken for roasting.
Photo credit: Olivia Body ’08
Gabrielle Pendleton ’15 is deeply involved in the work she’s doing in the Explorations into Printmaking class taught by Assistant Professor of Art Jennifer Anderson.
Photo credit: Olivia Body ’08
Junior Whitney Fleshman was involved in marketing and community outreach during her internship with a Roanoke fire and EMS station.
Photo credit: Olivia Body ’08