Then & Now
Photos at various points in our 175-year history alongside contemporary images show what has and hasn’t changed over the years.
The first official Tinker Day, 1895
Tinker Day
Orchesis, 1945
Hollins dance
Strolling on Front Quad, late 1940s
Students walking on Front Quad
Students on the second Hollins Abroad-Paris program, 1958
Students pose in front of Musée Rodin in Paris
Neely Paul Towe ’63
Pavithra Suresh ’16
Celebrating in front of the Cocke Memorial Building, 1991
Photo by Sky Preece M.A.L.S. ’74
Students cheering at an athletic event
Professor Pleasants and a Latin class, around the late 19th century
Associate Professor of English Julie Pfeiffer