Pablo Hernandez

Pablo Hernandez

Associate Professor and Chair

Pablo Hernandez Pablo Hernandez

Pablo Hernandez came to Hollins University in fall of 2007. Since then, he has taught introductory and upper level courses in economics, environmental studies, and international studies. Professor Hernandez’s research interests lie in development, environmental and ecological economics with several publications and presentations in these areas. Two of his most recent publications appeared in the International Journal of Women, Social Justice and Human Rights and EconoQuantum. He has served as referee for the journals Ecological Economics, EconoQuantum, Latin American Research Review, Revista de Estudios Fronterizos, and Virginia Social Science Journal. His current research interests center on alternative regimes governing common property resource management in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

Courses Taught

  • “Incompatibles? Economics, Nature, and Globalization” (First-Year Seminar)
  • Principles of Microeconomics
  • Research Methods in Economics
  • Intermediate Economics
  • Economics and the Environment
  • International Trade
  • Development Economics and Globalization
  • International Political Economy
  • Senior Seminar in Economics
  • “Greening the Union Jack” (short-term study travel course)

Research Interests

  • Economics of the commons and land rights
  • Intra-firm trade and transboundary industrial pollution
  • International migration and remittances


  • Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
  • M.A., University of Notre Dame
  • B.A., Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, México