
Hollins University would like to make it easier for your daughter to get into the college of her choice. That means starting the process as early as her sophomore year. No matter where she plans to go, everyone at Hollins wishes your family the best during this exciting time in your lives.

College Prep Timeline

  • Sophomore

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    This is the year to make sure you are taking solid classes, making good grades, developing your interests, and preparing yourself for the college application process.

    • Use your high school’s guidance/career center to direct your course selections.
    • Get involved in extracurricular activities.
    • Discuss your college planning with your counselor in January.
    • Consider taking the PSAT.
    • Attend college fairs.
  • Juniors

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    This is the year to find out everything you can about all the colleges you’re interested in. Request information, visit colleges, go to college fairs, and talk to the people around you about their college choices.


    • Go to college fairs and find out about visits by admission
    • Meet with your guidance counselor to talk about your college plans.
    • Concentrate on your schoolwork. Your grades will make a difference in whether or not you are eligible for scholarships.


    • Consider taking the PSAT (register early).
    • Consider the academic and extracurricular activities you might like to pursue in college.


    • Plan to take (if available) the SAT and/or ACT (register early).
    • Visit the websites of the colleges you’re interested in and request
      information. Consider attending a couple of virtual programs being offered.
    • Review the admission requirements for these colleges.
    • Begin planning how you will pay for your college education.
    • Attend financial aid meetings


    • List colleges you’re considering.
    • Identify people who could write letters of recommendation for you.


    • Visit colleges. Take tours and ask questions while visiting. Virtual tours can also be very helpful.
    • Start narrowing your list of schools.
  • Seniors

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    You have started the process. You know more about yourself. You know more about the schools that interest you.


    • Ask your teachers, counselors, supervisors, coaches, etc., for recommendations.
    • Note application deadlines.
    • Set deadlines for submitting applications.
    • Consider taking the SAT and/or ACT.
    • Plan college visits for the late fall.
    • Develop an outline for your college application essay.


    • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Call the college’s financial aid office if you need assistance.
    • Attend open houses at the colleges you’re considering.
    • Submit the FAFSA as early as Oct. 15.


    • Give applications to your guidance counselor at least three weeks before the college’s deadline.
    • If you applied Early Decision, submit Regular Decision and Early Action applications this month as backup options.


    • Finish your applications and inform your guidance counselor of the form(s) he/she needs to complete and submit.
    • List the pros and cons of each college to which you have applied.


    • Start comparing financial aid packages.
    • Schedule phone calls with individual admission officers to discuss financial aid.


    • If you are visiting colleges, be aware of their spring break holidays.
    • Attend programs for admitted students at your first-choice colleges.


    • Decide which college offers you the most of what you are looking for.
    • Join the social media pages of your class.


    • Notify all schools where you were accepted of your intent to attend or not attend by May.
    • If you were wait-listed by the college you hope to attend, contact the admission office to ask how you can strengthen your application. If that school is your first choice, let the admission office know.


    • You will receive many forms on housing, health, and academics. Fill them out and return them promptly.
    • Work. You’ll be glad to have the work experience and the extra money.
  • Essay/Application

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    Some schools require a certain number of words, some ask about you, and some ask about your views on specific topics and issues. The admission committee will use your essay to evaluate your personality, interests, intelligence, maturity, creativity, writing ability, how you think, your outlook on life, and even what makes you special.

    The Top Four Things Admission Counselors Look for in an Essay

    1. Content. Does it stick to the topic and answer the question? Does it have an introduction, body, and conclusion?
    2. Creativity. Is it original? Does it convey something about the applicant that isn’t evident from the rest of the application?
    3. Style. How well is it written? Do the thoughts and ideas flow?
    4. Grammar. Was it proofread? Were there simple mistakes? How is the vocabulary?

    Essay Do’s

    • Follow directions.
    • Organize your thoughts.
    • Answer the question(s) and stick to the topic(s).
    • Write in a style that’s comfortable for you.
    • Use the essay as an opportunity to communicate things that you may not convey in your application.
    • Use correct spelling and grammar.
    • Write a first draft and revise it as often as needed.
    • Remember: it’s okay to ask for guidance, as long as the essay remains your work.

    Essay Don’ts

    • Don’t write an essay that’s too difficult to understand. Instead, find a proper balance between simplicity and complexity. Use short sentences. Avoid overly stylized language and technical vocabulary. Above all, strive to reflect your authentic voice.
    • Don’t try to cram everything about yourself in one essay.
    • Don’t wait until the last minute. You need time for rewriting.

    The Complete Package

    Although the essay is a very important part of the application, the complete application process may require you to submit any or all of the following:

    1. Application for admission
    2. Essay
    3. Official or unofficial transcripts
    4. Secondary School Report and/or letter(s) of recommendation
    5. Interview (optional or required)
    6. SAT and/or ACT scores (optional), though a growing number are test optional

    Tips for Completing Your Application

    • Check college websites or call the office of admission to see how to submit your application.
    • Read all of the instructions.
    • Set a personal deadline for finishing your application and make sure you have enough time to complete it. Keep in mind when your guidance counselor needs to have it.
    • Do not leave blanks or skip answers..
    • If you miss a deadline, call the admission office to see if you can still apply.
  • The Interview

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    The college interview doesn’t have to be scary. It’s just another way you can improve your chances of getting into the school of your dreams. An interview can strengthen your application and you will be interviewing the school as much as they are interviewing you. Relax and try to learn as much as you can.

    Tips for a Successful Interview

    • Relax and be yourself.
    • Bring paper and pencil or pen.
    • Write your questions down beforehand.
    • Provide standardized test scores, high school transcript, GPA, and class rank.
    • When asked about your extracurricular activities, elaborate on your favorites.
    • It’s permissible to ask about your chances of acceptance, but don’t press for an immediate decision.
    • Think before you speak.
    • Don’t be late.
    • Be neat and presentable.
    • Be prepared to ask questions about the institution.
    • Think of the interview as a conversation.
    • Don’t be afraid to express yourself.

    Several Types of Interviews

    • Individual: may later be joined by parents
    • Group: you and other students
    • Regional: an admission staff member interviews you while traveling in your city
    • Alumnae/i or Parents: volunteers are trained to interview prospective students in their hometown

    Scheduling the Interview

    Try to call or email two weeks to a month in advance to make an appointment with the admission office. This gives the admission staff time to customize your campus visit.

    Be Ready for These Questions

    • What are your favorite and least favorite classes?
    • What type of contribution have you made to your high school or community?
    • What are you looking for in a college?
    • What do you like about this college?
    • What career possibilities are you considering and why?
    • Describe your strengths and those areas you would like to improve.
    • What do you expect to be doing 10 years from now?
    • What is your perfect adventure?
    • What would you like to change about your school? About yourself?
    • What would you like to achieve in college?
    • Describe your most challenging class.
    • How would your favorite teacher describe you as a student?
    • If your friends had to describe you in three words, what would they say, and why?
    • What do you think you will study in college?
    • Is there anything that you would like to share with the admission committee about why you think they should admit you?

    The Campus Visit

    You should try to visit all of the schools that interest you. This is the best way to figure out if a college is right for you.

    During the campus visit be sure to:

    • Take a tour.
    • Have an interview.
    • Ask questions.
    • Talk with the financial aid office if you are concerned about costs.
    • Talk with students on campus.
    • Speak with a professor if you have questions about academics or a particular field of study.
    • Meet with a coach if you have an interest in a specific sport.

    Not Able to Visit?

    If you won’t be able to visit a school, there are still ways you can get a feel for the college and find out what the students are like. Visit the website, participate in virtual program offerings, visit a variety of the college’s social media accounts, and check YouTube for videos the college has uploaded. Tell the admission office that you won’t be able to visit and ask if there is a graduate in the area who can interview you or if an admission counselor will be coming to your area.


Contact us!

Office of Admission