Links for
Margaret Goldsborough Bigger
- ReTired: The Lighter Side of Retirement, A. Borough Books, 2006
- Churchgoers Chuckles Vol. 2: True Tales-You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!, A. Borough Books, 2005
- Advice Not Found in Wedding Guides, A. Borough Books, 2002, 2003
- World War II-Hometown and Home Front Heroes: Life-Experience Stories from the Carolinas’ Piedmont, A. Borough Books, 2003
- The Great Depression-How we Coped, Worked and Played: Life-Experience Stories from the Carolinas’ Piedmont (1929-41), A. Borough Books, 2001
- Daddyhoot: The Lighter Side of Fatherhood, A. Borough Books, 2001
- You Know You’re in Charlotte If…, A. Borough Books, 1998, 2000
- MEN!: Cry Flustered, Frustrated Females Everywhere, A. Borough Books, 2000
- Kitties & All That Litter: 26 Cat-Loving Curmudgeons, A. Borough Books, 1999
- Motherhoot: The Lighter Side of Motherhood, A. Borough Books, 1999
- You Can Tell You’re a Charlottean If…, A. Borough Books, 1998
- You’ve GOT To Have a Sense of Humor To Have a Wedding, A. Borough Books, 1997
- Recalling Your Memories on Paper, Tape or Videotape, A. Borough Books, 1996
- Gray Haired Grins & Giggles (edited), A. Borough Books, 1995, 1998
- Small Church with a BIG Mission (with Katherine M. Dunlap), A. Borough Books, 1995
- Prohibition Didn’t End in ’33 (edited), A. Borough Books, 1994
- World War II: It Changed Us Forever (edited.), A Borough Books, 1994
- There’s No Such Thing As A Perfect Wedding, Down Home Press, 1991
- Equaling Excellence, Taylor Publishing, 1988
- Only Forty Miles of Pavement (with J. Carter Goldsborough), Eakin Press, 1984