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Women Working with Clay Symposium

time icon for event Event Time: Monday, June 12, 2023 – Wednesday, June 14, 2023:
Women Working with Clay Symposium is about women who work with clay to create pottery, art vessels and sculpture, and whatever point of view may come with that distinction. It explores the connections of the long history of women in cultures all over the world as vessel makers, artists, and artisans. The symposium is a three-day event that starts with an opening reception and presenter exhibition at the Eleanor D. Wilson Museum, followed by a keynote address that sets the tone for the event. Activities include demonstrations by presenters, a presentation of attendee works, a small object exchange and a closing reception and dinner. 2023 Presenters: Louise Deroualle, Sanam Emami, Ursula Hargens, Adero Willard Guest Speaker: Sana Musasama Director: Dara Hartman Founding Director: Donna Polseno