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location icon for event Event Location: Richard Wetherill Visual Arts Center, Room 119 time icon for event Event Time: Tuesday, December 5, 2023: 3 pm – 4 pm
Simetría-Dos is a digital humanities project developed by sisters Patricia and Claudia Bernardi. Patricia, a forensic anthropologist, works as a member of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, EAAF, investigating violations of human rights committed against civilians in Argentina and beyond. Claudia is an artist who works with survivors of political violence. The project evinces how the threads of their stories entwine along a timeline in a peculiar symmetry of circumstance and chance. The presentation will focus on the evolution of the project, the importance of telling survivors’ stories, and the collaborative translation project between Claudia Bernardi and Alison Ridley to make the Simetría-Dos bilingual to reach a broader audience.