
Miss Matty’s Circle (MMC) honors Martha Louisa Cocke, class of 1874. “Miss Matty” was the second president of Hollins from 1901 to 1933 and the first woman to lead a college in Virginia. She was the daughter of Hollins’ founder Charles Lewis Cocke.

Current students can join Miss Matty’s Circle with a gift of any amount by June 30 of that year. Alumnae/i who have graduated in the last ten (10) years can join Miss Matty’s Circle with a gift of any amount as well.

Benefits of membership in Miss Matty’s Circle include the following:  

  • Periodic webinars with President Hinton and the 1842 Society;
  • Opportunity to be featured in a Miss Matty’s spotlight on the Hollins website;
  • Recognition on the Hollins website;
  • An on-campus event (including 1842 Society members);
  • Reunion ribbon and;
  • Virtual networking and learning opportunities with other MMC members.

The following alumnae/i made gifts qualifying them for Miss Matty’s Circle membership for the 2023 fiscal year (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023). Thank you to our generous donors!

Madeline Elizabeth Clifford
Madeline Evangelista
Anna Hollingsworth
Jennifer Brennan Kentgen
Abigail M. Klein
Rebekah Lee
Mary Alice Mouk
Monica E. Osborne
Megan Stolz Rogers
Colleen Elisabeth Thamm