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Leading from the Margins: A talk with Mary Dana Hinton, Ph.D.

location icon for event Event Location: duPont Chapel time icon for event Event Time: Thursday, March 28, 2024: 7 pm – 8:30 pm
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Mary Dana Hinton is the 13th president of Hollins University and president emerita of the College of Saint Benedict. A highly respected and sought-after advocate for the liberal arts and inclusion, President Hinton’s leadership reflects a deep commitment to educational equity and the education of women. Hinton’s latest book, Leading from the Margins: College Leadership from Unexpected Places, was inspired by her lived experiences as an emerging leader. She also has a TEDx Talk of the same name. Whether you’re an emerging or established leader, lessons from Leading from the Margins can empower you to find your own leadership style and discover strength in unexpected places. Book signing to follow in the Botetourt Reading Room