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2024 Children’s Literature Writer-in-Residence and Symposium Keynote Speaker, Mitali Perkins

location icon for event Event Location: Frances Niederer Auditorium, Richard Wetherill Visual Arts Center time icon for event Event Time: Thursday, June 27, 2024: 7 pm – 8 pm
Born in Kolkata, India, Perkins lived in Ghana, Cameroon, England, and Mexico before her parents settled in California when she was in middle school. She is the author of many award-winning picture books and novels for young readers, including Rickshaw Girl, which was adapted into a film. She’s also written a nonfiction book for adults about children’s literature, Steeped in Stories: Timeless Children’s Novels to Refresh our Tired Souls. Her newest releases are a picture book, Holy Night and Little Star, and a middle-grade novel, Hope in the Valley. Perkins lives and writes in the San Francisco Bay Area. mitaliperkins.com Lecture, Thursday, June 27, 7 pm. Niederer Auditorium, Wetherill Visual Arts Center and online. Email kidlit@hollins.edu for link. Sponsored by the graduate programs in children’s literature. Online: https://hollins.zoom.us/j/9154582283?omn=84139553380