VCAN, SCHEV Create New FAFSA Assistance Resource for Students and Families

VCAN, SCHEV Create New FAFSA Assistance Resource for Students and Families

Community Outreach

July 17, 2024

VCAN, SCHEV Create New FAFSA Assistance Resource for Students and Families Chat with Cardi

The Virginia College Affordability Network (VCAN) and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) have introduced a free chatbot to support students and families in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

“Cardi” (whose name is a play on the name of Virginia’s state bird, the cardinal) is available 24/7 to offer quick and accurate responses to FAFSA-related inquiries. User-friendly and easy to understand, the chatbot also provides both FAFSA and Virginia-specific financial aid information.  

Visit Hey Cardi to sign up for help with FAFSA and financial aid questions, and to receive tips and reminders for the new FAFSA.