
We take our commitments seriously at Hollins, especially when it comes to celebrating our vast and diverse community. To keep us moving forward, we’ve implemented some initiatives to track our progress and invite our community to explore the ways we can continue improving.

DEI in Action at Hollins

See how our commitment has grown

We’ve established a yearly report that outlines the steps we’ve taken in the diversity, equity, and inclusivity space: New initiatives we started, old traditions we still carry on or have adjusted, and our plans for the following years.

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inclusivity and diversity

Take part in the conversation

Our annual Leading Equity, Diversity, and Justice Conference was first held in the summer of 2020 and continues today as an opportunity for members of our community to gather, learn, discuss, and reflect on ways we can make our campus and world a more equitable place.

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“We carry a lot of trauma, and making space to take care of those things is important. If you’re not taking care of your spiritual self while trying to learn, trying to do this work, you will not be successful.”

“Our job as educators, as leaders of institutions, is to do the ‘people work’ first. We have to understand our own mindsets, our own preconceived notions, our own biases, before we can even attempt to transform systems and structures.”

Tia McNair

“[Leading EDJ] is an opportunity for truth-telling, for listening with our defenses down and our hearts and minds open, and for learning new ways of being together across our differences.”

LeeRay Costa|LeeRay Costa