Interested in writing, illustrating, or studying children’s and young adult literature and illustration?
If you have a passion for children’s books and dream of being an author or illustrator, working in publishing, or teaching children’s literature, you’ve found your happy place. Welcome to the Children’s Literature & Illustration Graduate Programs at Hollins University. We offer an exciting range of programs, from master’s degrees to a certificate and continuing education programs. With new pathways now available, you can study on campus year-round or during summer semesters only.
Ready to dive in? Reach out to Program Director Elizabeth Dulemba or apply now!
Program Director Elizabeth “e” Dulemba is happy to answer your questions or provide additional information!
(540) 362-6024

The KidLit Bookstore
Discover the creative heart of Hollins University at our bookstore, where every book highlights the talent of our students, alumni, and faculty. From enchanting children’s stories to stunning illustrations, these works celebrate the vibrant imagination of our community!
Our Programs

M. A. in Children’s Literature
The curriculum consists of both literature and creative writing courses taught by top experts in the field. Completed over the course of two to four summers.
M.F.A. in Children’s Literature
The curriculum consists of both literature and creative writing courses taught by top experts in the field. Completed over the course of three to five summers.

M.F.A. in Children’s Book Writing and Illustration
Hollins offers the only Master of Fine Arts program in writing and illustrating children’s books in the United States. The curriculum consists of literature, creative writing, and illustration courses covering all forms and genres within children’s and young adult literature. To better support students’ needs, you can now pursue this degree either solely during summer semesters or year-round.
Certificate in Children’s Book Illustration
Completed over the course of two summers, the Certificate in Children’s Book Illustration offers working artists and art teachers a program to develop a personal vision and style for tomorrow’s picture book market.

Tribute to “Goodnight Moon” Author
The Margaret Wise Brown Prize
Hollins pays tribute to one of its best-known alumnae and one of the most beloved children’s book authors by awarding the Margaret Wise Brown Prize in Children’s Literature. The annual award showcases the best picture book manuscript as selected by a panel of judges and is among the few children’s book honors with a cash prize.
Margaret Wise Brown Prize in Children’s Literature