At Hollins, you’ll hear students and faculty talking about J-Term, January Term, or Short Term. They all mean the same thing: a month set aside for students to engage in one of a variety of activities. Students see January as an interlude between fall and spring semesters, a time to expand their intellectual and geographic horizons. Test drive a career with an internship, take a travel/study course, or sign up for an engaging seminar.
Learn from the Pros
Hollins students intern everywhere. From law offices to Capitol Hill. From a local television station to MSNBC. From a doctor’s office to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Study Abroad and Away
See the World
Students often travel to a variety of countries, including Ireland, Greece, and the Caribbean. During January Term 2024, students will travel to Ecuador, Florence, and Kenya.
Exclusive for First-Year Students
Conflict & Collaboration Course
In your first year, you’ll take Conflict & Collaboration. This interactive course is designed to help you hone your ability to engage in constructive dialogue with others, a “superpower” that can help you improve your relationships, strengthen your decision-making, pursue positive social change, and boost your professional success.

Independent Study
Take the Lead on Your Learning
Students propose a topic to a faculty member and work independently on a project. Students working on honor theses often use J-Term to do research and writing.