  • My Private Property, Wave Books, 2020
  • Dunce, Wave Books, 2019
  • On Imagination, Sarabande Books, 2017
  • Trances of the Blast, Wave Books, 2013, (paperback 2014; Kindle edition, 2020)
  • Madness, Rack, and Honey: Collected Lectures, Wave Books, 2012
  • Selected Poems, Wave Books, 2010, 2011
  • The Most of It, Wave Books, 2008, (Kindle edition, 2020)
  • Indeed I was Pleased with the World (Carnegie Mellon Poetry Series), Carnegie Mellon, 2007
  • A Little White Shadow, Wave Books, 2006
  • Tristimania (Carnegie Mellon Poetry Series), Carnegie Mellon, 2004
  • Among the Musk Ox People, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2002
  • Apparition Hill, Cavankerry, 2002
  • Post Meridian, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2000
  • Cold Pluto, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1996
  • The Adamant, University of Iowa Press, 1989, 2005
  • Life Without Speaking, University of Alabama Press, 1987
  • Memling’s Veil, University of Alabama Press, 1982