
An internship is the perfect place to hone workplace skills. Through internships, our students can meet the demands to learn new proficiencies. With your help, current students can get that critical experience firsthand.

How Interns Can Help You

  • Quality work and new perspectives.
  • Access to potential employees once the internships end and the students graduate.
  • Increased visibility of your company, nonprofit organization, or an agency on the Hollins campus.

What Counts as an Internship?

  • Supervised work experience that has intentional learning outcomes and goals for students. It focuses on personal career development and is completed during Short Term, the academic year, or summer.
  • Enriching projects with outlined responsibilities, mentoring, evaluation, quality training, and supervision.
  • The majority of assignments should relate to their major or interests, and involve both creative problem solving and increased responsibility.
  • A minimal amount of an intern’s assignments should include clerical work.

Short-Term Internship Program

Students may enroll in a full-time internship during the January Short Term to receive four academic credits.


  • The nature of internships may vary. The student should assist a person within the organization, take part in a special project, or some combination of the two.
  • The student should discuss responsibilities with her faculty sponsor and the internship supervisor.
  • Short Term internships must be at least 35 hours of work per week for four weeks.
  • A student submits a tangible academic component (such as a journal), to the faculty sponsor at the end of Short Term.
  • A student can’t intern anywhere they’ve been employed before. The only exception is if an internship supervisor can verify the work will be substantially different.
  • A student must meet with her faculty sponsor at the end of Short Term to report her internship and submit any assigned work.
  • The faculty sponsor of a Hollins intern requires the supervisor’s evaluation to submit a grade for the student.

Hollins works with established businesses and organizations to coordinate internship opportunities. The university does not support internships that are strictly with individuals with no other employees.

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