
Hollins proudly partners with outside services to accommodate a wide range of immersive educational experiences to almost a dozen additional countries.

  • Córdoba, Argentina

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    Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Cordoba Argentina
    Spanish Studies Abroad offers the opportunity to study in Argentina’s colonial capital of Córdoba.

    Córdoba is a picturesque city with one million inhabitants on the edge of the Sierra Chica mountains. A center of arts and learning, Córdoba is home to several universities, including the Universidad Blas Pascal, which serves as host to this program.

    What You’ll Learn

    Spanish Studies Abroad offers courses in Spanish language and Argentine history and culture. Qualified students may also take courses in a wide variety of subjects with Argentine students at the university.

    While studying abroad in Argentina field trips provide opportunities to experience some of the highlights of the world’s eighth largest country. These include cultural excursions to museums and historical sites in Córdoba, as well as guided trips to Buenos Aires and neighboring provinces.

    Living in Córdoba

    You’ll live with the families of local students for the first four weeks of the program. After that, you choose to live with host families, or in the university’s residence halls for the rest of the program.


    • Offered both fall and spring
    • You must be a junior with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
    • You must have completed the intermediate level of college Spanish
  • Cuba

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    Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Cuba
    Spanish Studies Abroad gives you the unique opportunity to experience the blend of African, European, and American cultures that form Cuba.

    Spanish Studies Abroad is a study abroad pioneer in Cuba. As a result, they are experts in dealing with the special issues involved in traveling to and studying in Cuba.

    What You’ll Learn

    Students studying abroad in Cuba can choose courses ranging from Spanish language and Cuban culture, to Afrocuba and Cuban Socialism. All courses are taught in Spanish by faculty from the Universidad de La Habana. Students with advanced Spanish skills can also take any two classes with Cuban students at the university’s Facultad de Artes y Letras.

    Guided excursions and study visits to sites of historic and cultural interest throughout the country are an integral part of the program.

    Living in Havana

    All students studying abroad in Havana, Cuba live and have their breakfasts and dinners with Cuban host families.


    • Offered both fall and spring
    • You must be a junior with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
    • You must have completed the intermediate level of college Spanish
  • Germany

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    Megan Caldwell '20 - Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Germany
    Through a new direct exchange program with the Padagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Ludwigsburg University of Education), students studying German can now spend the spring semester or full academic year at Ludwigsburg.

    Situated approximately 20 km north of Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Wurttemberg, Ludwigsburg’s 85,000 inhabitants live in the center of a greater urban district that belongs to the Central Neckar Region. It has both a thriving local industry and important cultural attractions.

    What You’ll Learn

    Courses are taught mainly in German; however, some courses are taught in English. Subjects offered in English include:

    • Education
    • Political Science
    • Sociology
    • Geography
    • History
    • Politics
    • Music
    • Math
    • Cultural Studies

    Living in Ludwigsburg

    Students studying abroad in Ludwigsburg, Germany will be staying in shared student apartments located on campus. These apartments house most international students, as well as many German students.

    The university is located on the northern outskirts of town, and shares a campus with two colleges. The campus can be easily reached from Stuttgart by the suburban train system (S-Bahn). There is a station directly on the campus.


    • Offered either semester or full academic year
    • Overall GPA of 3.0
  • Greece & Italy

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    Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Rome
    Through the Arcadia University Center for Education Abroad, students studying abroad can enroll for a semester at several universities in Italy. These include:
    • The Umbra Institute in Perugia
    • The Università degli Studi Roma Tre in Rome
    • Accademia Italiana Florence

    Each of these programs is located in the center of culturally rich cities.

    Learn More and Apply Today


    The program in Florence is primarily for art and design students. Courses are available in fashion, fine arts, graphic design, and textiles. Students will enroll in courses at the Accademia Italiana Florence.


    The Umbra Institute in Perugia offers many liberal arts courses, as well as in business, psychology, and fine arts. You may also enroll in an honors, independent research, or food studies track.


    If you’re an international business major, consider the new business concentration at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre in Rome.

    This program offers an engineering concentration. As with the other programs, all courses are in English, except the Italian language courses. You may also select from courses in classics, history and fine arts, and more.

    Living in Italy

    You’ll have the opportunity to live independently in Arcadia’s student apartments. This housing is guaranteed with admission to the program.


    • Open to both fall and spring semesters
    • You must be a sophomore or junior with a GPA of at least 3.0
    • All students must take one Italian language and culture course as part of this study abroad experience

    Classical Studies Programs

    If you’re interested in classical studies, consider these options:

    • Arcadia Athens Center for Hellenic, Balkan, and Mediterranean Studies
    • College Year in Athens
    • The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome

    These programs are planned specifically for students majoring in the Classics. They’re more focused and rigorous than other study abroad programs, but still offer an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in another part of the world.

    College Year in Athens

    This program focuses on Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean from ancient times to the present.

    Students experience firsthand the sites, monuments, and artworks in Athens and the surrounding region. Class topics include:

    • Archaeology
    • Art history
    • Classical languages
    • Ethnography
    • History
    • Literature
    • Modern Greek
    • Philosophy
    • Political science
    • Religion

    Students on the College Year in Athens live in student apartments and have their main meal each day in the program’s dining room.

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    The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome

    This program offers study in ancient history and archaeology, Greek and Latin literature, and ancient art. A major part of the academic work focuses on an integrated course called “The Ancient City.” This includes frequent site explorations, intensive museum tours and lectures, and travel outside Rome.

    Students in this program live and take their meals at the center.

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    • You must be a qualified juniors majoring in classical studies or related fields
    • You must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Ireland

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    Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Limerick Ireland
    Established in 1972, the University of Limerick is located in Ireland’s 650-acre National Technological Park on the Shannon River, just outside Ireland’s fourth-largest city.

    What You’ll Learn

    The university offers a wide range of courses in the natural and social sciences, technology, and Irish studies. There’s also a new program in Irish traditional dance.

    The equine science program is of special interest to equestrians and students interested in veterinary science.

    Living in Limerick

    A thriving, modern city, Limerick offers historic, artistic, and theatrical attractions. It also has an especially lively music scene.

    Students studying abroad in Ireland will live in apartment suites in student villages on campus. Each suite has several single bedrooms and a shared living room and kitchen.

    Students prepare their own meals or eat in the subsidized restaurants on campus. Hollins provides an allowance to cover the cost of meals.


    • Open for fall or spring semesters
    • Open to Hollins students of humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences
    • You must be a junior with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
    • Pre-med and pre-vet students may enroll as second-semester sophomores with a pre-professional advisor’s recommendation
  • Japan

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    Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Osaka Japan
    Located between the shrines and temples of Kyoto and the bustling business center of Osaka, Kansai Gaidai University offers the best of ancient and modern Japan.

    What You’ll Learn

    The university’s Asian Studies Program offers firsthand experience to study abroad in Japan with Japanese language and culture through formal course work, guest lectures, field trips, and interactions with Japanese students and families.

    You’ll take a required course in Japanese language, and select other courses in:

    • Business
    • History
    • Religion
    • Sociology
    • Literature
    • Art

    The courses take extensive advantage of Kansai Gaidai’s proximity to Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara for field trips, research, and case studies. Students in art courses take trips to see the ancient tombs in Asuka, mountain temples in Nara, and museums in Kyoto. Business students may visit the world’s leading trading companies, advertising agencies, and manufacturing plants.

    All classes are conducted in English.

    Living in Japan

    You can choose to live in an Asian Studies Program residence hall with other international students. You may also live with a host Japanese family.


    • Open for both fall and spring semesters
    • You must be a junior with a cumulative GPA of 3.0
    • Some background in Japanese language and/or Asian studies is helpful, but not required
  • Spain

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    Abroad opportunities are available for four different cities in Spain: Alicante, Barcelona, Granada, and Seville.


    The program at the Universidad de Alicante offers deep integration into a Spanish university. Located in Valencia on Spain’s Costa Blanca, Alicante is a vibrant and growing city. Its modern university is host to over 33,000 students.

    The program in Alicante begins with a four-week, intensive Spanish language course. Depending on your Spanish skills, you’ll follow one of two tracks. All courses in both tracks are taught in Spanish.

    Track 1: Courses designed especially for the university’s international students

    • Civilization
    • Literature
    • Art history
    • Cinema

    Track 2: Courses with Spanish students in regular university courses

    • Art history
    • Business
    • Classical studies
    • Economics
    • Geography
    • History
    • Literature
    • Sociology

    All students in Alicante live and have their meals with Spanish host families.


    Barcelona students find their learning site located off of La Rambla, a significant thoroughfare in the city. Surrounded by the vibrant colors and life of this city, you’ll study the Spanish language and culture. You may also regional history, international business, design, or political science.

    Barcelona is home to many UNESCO world heritage sites, as well as a lively local culture and a great deal of physical beauty, both natural and man-made.

    Students studying abroad will live in homestays to better appreciate local culture and work on their language skills. This program is open to students from all over the world, so you’ll learn more about the world from your classmates, and offer them your own unique perspective in return.



    In cooperation with Universidad de Granada and its world-renowned Centro de Lenguas Modernas (CLM), this Granada program provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Spanish language and culture of Granada, one of Spain’s most historic and architecturally-unique cities. Originally a Moorish stronghold, Granada combines the cultures and traditions of a number of diverse populations, and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984.

    The Universidad de Granada boasts a large, internationalized student population, and the city draws tourists from all around the world. To help contextualize this diverse socioeconomic cultural landscape, students will enroll in a mandatory “cornerstone course” which focuses on Granada’s recent transformations linked to international migration.

    While there is no minimum language requirement, students will be sorted into one of three tracks based on their proficiency (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced).


    With its legacy of Spanish and Moorish art and architecture, Seville is one of Spain’s most interesting and beautiful cities.

    The broad curriculum is grounded in the cultural richness of Seville, Andalucia, and Spain. In addition to intensive Spanish language courses, courses are offered in:  

    • Spanish language
    • Literature
    • Civilization
    • Cinema
    • Sociology
    • Anthropology
    • Politics
    • History
    • Business
    • Art history
    • Performing arts
    • Gastronomy

    Internships are also available for students with advanced Spanish skills.

    You’ll choose between living with a Spanish host family or in a student residence/boarding house. All meals are provided in either option.

  • Ghana

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    NOTE: Hollins in South Africa will not be available during the 2023-24 academic year.
    Study Abroad - Additional Programs - Ghana

    Through a cooperative agreement, you can enroll for one term at the University of Ghana in Legon. Legon is a suburb of Accra, the bustling capital of more than a million people.

    The University of Ghana was established in 1948 as an affiliate college of the University of London. Its excellent reputation attracts many international students, especially from the United States.

    What You’ll Learn

    You’ll enroll directly in university courses, choosing from hundreds of offerings. Some of these include:

    • Anthropology
    • History
    • Geography and resource development
    • Political science
    • Economics
    • Sociology
    • Dance
    • Music
    • Theatre

    Many courses focus on West African culture, society, and the arts. Most instruction is in small classes, seminars, and tutorials taught by the university’s faculty.

    The on-site program director organizes field trips and social events for students on the program.

    Living in Legon

    Students studying abroad will live with Ghanaian students in the university’s new international students’ hostel.


    • Offered fall and spring
    • You must be a junior with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • South Africa

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    NOTE: Hollins in South Africa will not be available during the 2023-24 academic year.

    Students studying abroad in South Africa may enroll for one semester at several universities in South Africa through an exchange program with the Arcadia University College of Global Studies.

    The program is based in Cape Town with opportunities at four universities:

    • University of Cape Town
    • University of Western Cape
    • Cornerstone Institute

    What You’ll Learn

    You’re required to enroll in a core seminar “Contemporary Issues in South Africa.”

    UCT boasts excellent faculties in science, engineering, and commerce.

    UWC is located 15 miles from the center of Cape Town. Archbishop Desmond Tutu serves as Chancellor and the university is a leader in research and teaching. English is the teaching language at both of these universities.

    The Cornerstone Institute offers local community engagement opportunities as well as academic courses in Community Development and Sociology, Psychology, Management and Entrepreneurship, and Media Studies.  

    Living in Cape Town

    Housing varies from student group houses to apartments at all universities.


    • Open for both fall and spring semesters
    • You must be a junior with a GPA of at least 3.0