Begin making your connections with Hollins alumnae/i during the first-ever Spring Career Connection Conference (C3) on Saturday afternoon, March 2, 2024.

“Beyond Hollins – What’s Next…”

Graduating seniors of the class of 2024 will gain insights on how best to transition successfully into the professional world. With a focus on practical skills and insider knowledge, conference sessions will cover salary negotiation, finding your first apartment, interviewing for success, and surviving the first 90 days of your new job.

This exciting student career event kicks off with a keynote by Kait Eusebio Johnson, executive director of the YMCA of Virginia’s Blue Ridge, who will share how she has built her personal brand to support her dedication to positive social and workplace change.

Other conference sessions for all Hollins students will help them gain skills and insights for their career development. These sessions include Going to Graduate School, Acing the Interview, and a LinkedIn Lab.

Leading up to the conference day, students can attend an employer fair and workshops on financial literacy and updating your LinkedIn profile with Career and Life Design.

After March 2, students can also attend industry discussions to learn more about careers in education and entrepreneurship.

Keynote Speaker

Kait Eusebio Johnson

Kait Eusebio Johnson stands out as a dynamic leader, boasting an impressive track record of over a decade within the YMCA. Throughout her professional journey, Kait has consistently showcased innovation; an unyielding commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and a fearless determination to challenge the status quo.

Embodying Maya Angelou’s impactful words, Kait’s “mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” This philosophy permeates every facet of her work, where her goal is to inspire others to embark on their unique journeys of purpose and excellence.

Proud of her Filipino heritage, Kait injects a vibrant cultural perspective into her leadership. Together with her husband, Devin Johnson, they navigate life’s adventures.

In her capacity as a seasoned executive, Kait has not only overseen the growth and impact of the YMCA but has also acted as a transformative force within the organization. She actively promotes a sense of belonging and cultivates a culture of empowerment, acting as a catalyst for positive change. Kait’s unwavering dedication to making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities serves as the driving force behind her role as an advocate and champion for the greater good.

Scenes from our last C3.

From 7% to 40%

A study by SilkRoad found that employee referrals accounted for only 7% of all job applications, but they contributed to over 40% of all hires

Source: SilkRoad, "Sources of Hire 2017," 2017


Research by Jobvite concludes that referred candidates are 15 times more likely to be hired compared to candidates who apply by just submitting resumes online

Source: Jobvite, "Job Seeker Nation Report," 2018