Elise Schweitzer

Elise Schweitzer

Associate Professor; Chair of the Faculty

Elise Schweitzer Elise Schweitzer

Schweitzer makes extremely large oil paintings of groups of people sharing peak experiences. Her latest body of work depicts a moment of crisis when a skydiver crash-lands in a Midwestern backyard. The action plays out through multiple canvases, showing the moments before, during, and after the crash. One character rushes to help, one searches the sky, another drops his beer in surprise, and like a Jungian dream-state, all the characters are metaphorical self-portraits. She teaches painting and drawing. She has shown her paintings in Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Philadelphia, and won numerous awards and grants to support her oversized painting addiction. She has taught landscape painting classes in Italy and participated in an artist residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Her paintings are included in Manifest Gallery’s Painting Annual 1, 3, and 4.

Visit her website at: http://www.easchweitzer.com


  • M.F.A., Indiana University
  • B.F.A., University of Pennsylvania
  • Certificate, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts