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Zoom Lecture with L’Merchie Frazier

location icon for event Event Location: Frances Niederer Auditorium, Richard Wetherill Visual Arts Center time icon for event Event Time: Thursday, February 22, 2024: 6 pm – 7 pm
L’Merchie Frazier is an accomplished visual activist, public artist, historian, and poet. She is a member of Women of Color Network Quilters, founded by Carolyn Mazloomi, Ph.D., whose quilt collection is currently on view at the Eleanor D. Wilson Museum. In this lecture, Frazier will discuss the contributions of African American quiltmakers with particular attention to the artists in Mazloomi’s collection. In person Zoom viewing, Niederer Auditorium, Wetherill Visual Arts Center. Reception to follow. Zoom link available by emailing cardenla1@hollins.edu The lecture will be posted to the museum’s YouTube page after the event.