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Nathan Osorio Reading and Lecture

time icon for event Event Time: Thursday, October 24, 2024: 7:30 pm – 9 pm
Nathan Xavier Osorio won the 2024 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize for his collection Querida. Selected by poet Shara McCallumhis debut collection will be published by The University of Pittsburgh Press in September 2024.  Osorio’s chapbook, The Last Town Before the Mojave, was selected by Oliver de la Paz for the Poetry Society of America’s 2021 Chapbook Fellowship. His poetry, translations, and essays have been featured or are forthcoming in BOMBThe OffingBoston ReviewPublic BooksNotre Dame Review, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, and elsewhere. He has received fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center, the Kenyon Review, and Poetry Foundation.  Osorio is currently a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Irvine. He conducts critical and creative research that explores the work of contemporary Latinx poets and artists who use multimodal decolonial poetics to unsettle western forms and illuminate the complexities of life within coloniality. Sponsored by the Department of English and Creative Writing, the Department of Modern Languages, and the Dee Hull Everist Visiting Speaker Fund.