Large Student Delegation Heads to Chicago for Model UN

Large Student Delegation Heads to Chicago for Model UN


November 20, 2019

Large Student Delegation Heads to Chicago for Model UN Model UN

Seventeen Hollins students, almost twice the average delegation, will travel to Chicago to take part in the 30th Annual American Model United Nations (AMUN) International Collegiate Conference, November 23 – 26.

Representing Mexico, the delegation will include two representatives to the United Nations Security Council and two who will argue a case before the International Court of Justice. Professor of Political Science Edward Lynch and Assistant Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies Courtney Chenette will accompany the student delegation.

AMUN is a non-profit, educational organization founded in 1989 to provide students with the highest quality, most professionally run simulation of the United Nations available. AMUN strives to combine educational quality with highly realistic simulations of the United Nations to give students an unparalleled Model UN learning experience.

The conference is the culmination of work the students have been doing since the start of Fall Term. Learning to do rapid-fire research, to write succinctly and persuasively, and to debate according to the rules of parliamentary procedure, are among the important skills students learn through their participation.

Earlier this semester, Hollins hosted the Appalachia Regional Model Arab League conference, where three Hollins students were selected as award winners. Three Hollins students subsequently traveled to Washington to serve as Council Chairs at the Capital Area Regional Model Arab League. Katie Grandelli ’20 served as Secretary-General for both conferences.