The Hollins Education Program prepares teachers who demonstrate best practices in connecting content with evidence-based pedagogical methods and modern technological innovations to nurture the academic, social, and emotional development of each student. Our Educator Preparation Program (EPP) graduates are reflective practitioners who know how to effectively collect and utilize data to inform their instructional decision-making. The Hollins Education Program is approved by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and was awarded national accreditation for a period of seven years from 2022 to 2029 by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in the licensure areas listed below. See our Annual CAEP Accountability Measures to learn more.
- Elementary Education: (Pre-Kindergarten – 6th grade)
- Secondary Education: (6th – 12th grade) Biology, Chemistry, English, History and Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics
- Specialty Licensure Areas: (Pre-Kindergarten – 12th grade) Foreign Languages (French, Spanish, Latin) and Visual Arts
B.A. + Teaching License (Four Years)
You can earn a bachelor’s degree and a teaching license in four years in two ways:

(1) Major in Elementary Education
Students pursuing an Elementary Education major at Hollins earn a Virginia PK-6 teaching license and are supported with the expertise of experienced faculty, exemplary educators in the field, and impactful community partners. We are committed to child, family, and community well-being through our innovative and collaborative work in PK-6 education.
(2) Major in a chosen discipline and Minor in Secondary Education
Students pursuing licensure in Secondary Education at Hollins minor in Secondary Education, major in their chosen discipline, and earn either a Virginia PK-12 or 6-12 teaching license. They are supported with the expertise of experienced faculty, exemplary educators in the field, and impactful community partners.
Hollins University’s Secondary Education curriculum reflects our dedication to cultivating diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environments that foster conscientious, empowered adolescents able to problem solve and think critically as they prepare for the future.

B.A. + Teaching License + M.A.T. (Five Years)
In addition to earning a PK-6, 6-12, or PK-12 teaching license, students may choose to continue at Hollins for an extra year and earn a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree. In the five-year program, students pursue topics in education in more depth and expand their knowledge base as future educators and classroom leaders.
Transfer Students
Students who begin coursework at other institutions can seamlessly complete their degree and earn a teaching license in a timely manner at Hollins.
Many of the courses successfully completed at other accredited institutions satisfy requirements for your degree. Contact Donna Martin, administrative assistant and education program coordinator, 540-362-7460,, to get started with the transfer process.
Explore the Transfer Virginia web portal to learn more about how your coursework may transfer to Hollins.

Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.)
Have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution? You can earn teaching licensure and the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) at the same time. This program is ideal for college graduates in many fields who believe teaching is their calling. The first of its kind in the Roanoke Valley, the program offers small, interactive classes as well as hybrid instructional options. Our program faculty are seasoned education leaders who can offer career assistance with job connections in Roanoke and the surrounding region. Plus, Hollins’ student teaching grants make our program unique and affordable.
CAEP Accreditation
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) is the new accrediting body for teacher preparation programs in the state of Virginia. Hollins’ undergraduate and graduate teacher licensure programs adhere to CAEP’s rigorous quality principles, and the university was reviewed by CAEP for the first time in Spring 2022. The Hollins Education Program is currently accredited through CAEP until 2029 in the following areas:
- Elementary education (preK-6);
- Secondary education (6-12): biology, chemistry, English, history and social sciences, mathematics, and physics;
- (preK-12): French, Spanish, Latin, and Visual Arts

Kappa Delta Pi
In 2019, Hollins established the Alpha Iota Rho chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in education. Since its inception, the chapter has inducted nearly 50 students.
Leaders in Education Start at Hollins
Our students get hands-on experience not only in schools, but also with other educational partners and nonprofits throughout the Roanoke Valley. Many advance to become leaders and change agents within their school communities!
School Leaders
Many of Hollins’ Education Program graduates become impactful leaders in their field. Here are some highlights:
Victoria Willis: Outstanding New Teacher, Fairfax County Schools
Kristen Huffman: English Department Chair, Salem High School
Kara Halsey: Principal, Eagle Rock Elementary School, Botetourt County Schools
Chris Benson: Principal, Hidden Valley Middle School, Roanoke County Schools
Megan Crew: Division Coordinator, Early Childhood Programs, Salem City Schools
Education Partners
Hollins works and partners directly with highly regarded public schools throughout the Roanoke Valley:

Salem City Schools

Roanoke County Public Schools

Roanoke City Public Schools

Botetourt County Public Schools

Community School
Local Nonprofits
Hollins students regularly and actively support local nonprofit educational efforts.

Star City Reads: Hollins students review and analyze data from the City of Roanoke that reflects strategies to improve kindergarten readiness, school attendance, summer learning, overall third-grade reading proficiency, and related measures of family engagement and child health.

Turn the Page: Hollins students serve the local community through Books and Breakfast, a once-a-month event, to promote literacy and provide books to children and their families.

Community Youth Program: Hollins students provide literacy intervention in after-school programs for disadvantaged students in Roanoke City.