Creativity and law? It’s not the stretch it might appear to be. Creativity and innovation are essential for pre-law courses, law students and lawyers. That’s why law schools seek students with strong liberal arts backgrounds.

Preparation for Law School
Pre-law is not a major at Hollins. Students who want to go on to law school can major in anything they like. Still, Hollins recommends taking an array of courses that will help build a solid foundation for law school. Students will find courses that emphasize reading, comprehension, analysis, and writing useful. Our advisors help students find pre-law courses that will best prepare them to get into, and thrive in, law school.
Hollins Graduates and Law School
Hollins students have successfully pursued both full-time and part-time legal study, directly following graduation and with years of professional experience in between, and in some cases earned a J.D. and joint degree or certificate.
Hollins graduates have attended the following schools:
- University of Alabama Law School (AL)
- Ave Maria School of Law (FL)
- Catholic University, Columbus School of Law (D.C.)
- University of Denver College of Law (CO)
- Florida Coastal School of Law (FL)
- Georgetown Law School (D.C.)
- George Washington Law School (D.C.)
- Georgia State University College of Law (GA)
- University of Maryland, Carey School of Law (MD)
- Mississippi College of Law (MS)
- University of North Carolina Law School (NC)
- Northeastern University School of Law (MA)
- NYU Law School (NY)
- Pace Law School (NY)
- Penn State, Dickinson Law School (PA)
- University of Richmond Law School (VA)
- University of South Carolina School of Law (SC)
- University of Tennessee Law School (TN)
- University of Texas Law School (TX)
- Tulane Law School (LA)
- Vanderbilt Law School (TN)
- Vermont Law School (VT)
- University of Virginia Law School (VA)
- Wake Forest Law School (NC)
- Washington & Lee Law School (VA)
- William & Mary Law School (VA)