
We are profoundly grateful to our donors who give loyally each year, give leadership gifts, and those who include Hollins in their estate planning. Thank you for lifting your sights for Hollins. Our donors are recognized in the following giving societies:

The 1842 Society

The 1842 Society

Honoring the year Hollins was founded, The 1842 Society provides special recognition to alumnae/i, parents, and friends who give at least $1,842 during the year to any designation at Hollins.

Miss Matty's Circle

Miss Matty’s Circle

Miss Matty’s Circle recognizes young alumnae/i and students who are leadership donors. Miss Matty’s Circle honors Matty Cocke, daughter of Hollins’ founder, president of Hollins from 1901 to 1933, and the first woman to head a college in Virginia.

Marian Wolff Young Society

Marian Wolff Young Society

Named in honor of Marian Wolff Young, class of 1929, who made a gift to Hollins every year from her graduation until her death in 2008 – nearly 80 years. The Marian Wolff Young Society recognizes lifetime giving to Hollins.

  • Donors who give every year since graduation receive a ribbon to wear at Reunion denoting their membership in this society.

Levavi Oculos Crest

Levavi Oculos Society

This lifetime giving society honors Hollins’ most generous donors whose cumulative gifts surpass $1 million.

The university motto, Levavi Oculos (from the 121st Psalm: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills”), emphasizes leadership and service in accord with the Hollins value and traditions.

  • Levavi Oculos member names are engraved on a marble frieze located along the walkway between East and Pleasants on campus.

The Heritage Society

The Heritage Society

The Heritage Society honors those alumnae/i, parents, and friends who have generously made a bequest provision or planned gift commitment for Hollins in their estate plans.


Contact us to learn more about giving to Hollins.

Institutional Advancement Office