Building Details
A printable map (PDF), including directions, is also available for download.
1. Alumnae Cottage (Robbie Hunt Burton) (guest housing)
2. Athletic Complex (Funkhouser-Fox Fitness Center, gymnasium, Northen Swimming Center)
3. Barbee House (guest housing)
4. Batten Tennis Center
5. Beale Garden
6. Botetourt Hall (Botetourt Reading Room, dance studios, human resources, mail services, plant facilities, security)
7. Bradley Hall (Batten Leadership Institute, events planning, TALMADGE RECITAL HALL)
8. Carvin House (student residence)
9. Cocke Memorial Building (business, EVP/COO office, marketing and communications, PRESIDENT’S OFFICE, provost)
10. Community Garden
11. Cromer Bergman Alumnae House (alumnae relations, development, VP for institutional advancement)
12. Dana Science Building (BABCOCK AUDITORIUM)
13. Duchouquet Cottage (faculty residences)
14. duPont Chapel (spiritual and religious life)
15. East Building (student residence)
16. Eastnor (GRADUATE AND CONTINUING STUDIES, Horizon student space)
17. Eleanor D. Wilson Museum
18. Francophone House (student residence)
19. Hill Building/Old Parsonage
20. Lorimer House (President’s residence)
21. Main Building (GREEN DRAWING ROOM, printing services, registrar, scholarships and financial assistance, student residence, UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION, VP for enrollment management)
22. Malvern Hill (student residence)
23. Moody Center (Ballator Gallery, coffee shop, dean of students, dining hall, Goodwin Private Dining Room, Hollins Store, Janney Lounge, Rathskeller, Roanoke Times Conference Room, snack bar)
24. Pleasants Hall (social sciences)
25. Power Plant
26. Presser Hall (music)
27. Randolph Hall (student residence)
28. Rath Haus (student residence)
29. Riding Center (Kirby Riding Ring, stables)
30. Roanoke County Recycling Center
31. The Rock
32. Rose Hill (student residence)
33. Sandusky (student residence)
34. Security (Botetourt Hall)
35. Student Apartment Village
36. Swannanoa Hall (children’s literature, English, Jackson Center for Creative Writing)
37. Theatre
38. Tinker House (student residence)
39. Turner Hall (education, health services, humanities)
40. West Building (student residence)
41. Richard Wetherill Visual Arts Center (art history, film, NIEDERER AUDITORIUM, studio art)
42. Wyndham Robertson Library (Career and Life Design, Center for Learning Excellence, DEI, Global Learning Hub, HOLLINS ROOM, HU Connect, International Student Engagement, IT Help Desk, JACKSON SCREENING ROOM, Media Services, Academic Success, and Student Success, Well-being, and Belonging)
Directions and Google Map
7916 Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA 24020
Hollins is located less than 10 miles from beautiful downtown Roanoke! Roanoke is home to the Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport (ROA) and includes a stop on Amtrak (RNK) with twice-daily stops.
Use the embedded Google image below as a helpful starting point for directions to various locations and designated parking areas on campus. Or zoom in from the satellite view to see a beautiful overhead view of campus!
Accessibility Map & Information

Buildings and Accessibility Details
2. Athletic Complex
• Accessible entrance in rear of the building on the bottom floor
• Main level accessible bathroom/all-gender bathroom
6. Botetourt Hall
• Accessible entrance on the bottom floor and side entrance of the top floor
• Second floor partially accessible/all-gender bathroom
7. Bradley Hall
• Second-floor accessible side and back entrance
• Second floor accessible/all-gender bathroom
9. Cocke Memorial Building
• Ground level bathroom all gender
11. Cromer Bergman Alumnae House
• Accessible front entrance
• First-floor accessible/all-gender bathroom
• Second-floor all-gender bathroom
12. Dana Science Building
• Accessible left side entrance on the main floor with PAD
• First-floor accessible/all-gender bathroom with PAD
• Elevator
14. duPont Chapel
• Accessible left and right side entrances
• Partially accessible bathrooms
16. Eastnor
• Accessible front entrance
• Partially accessible first-floor all-gender bathroom
• Second-floor all-gender bathroom
17. Eleanor D. Wilson Museum
• Accessible entrance through front and side entrance of VAC
21. Main
• Accessible bottom floor entrance with PAD
• Accessible first-floor side entrance to the Admissions department
• Partially accessible bottom floor all-gender bathroom
• Partially accessible first-floor all-gender bathroom
24. Pleasants
• Accessible left side door entrance with PAD
• Accessible first-floor all-gender bathroom with PAD
• Accessible second-floor all-gender bathroom
• Accessible third-floor all-gender bathroom
• Elevator
26. Presser
• Accessible second-floor entrance
• Accessible first-floor all-gender bathroom
• Elevator
36. Swannanoa
• Accessible ground floor rear entrance with PAD
• Accessible first-floor all-gender bathroom
• Partially accessible all gender second-floor bathroom
• Partially accessible all gender third floor bathroom
• Elevator
37. Theatre
• Accessible left side door entrance with PAD
• Accessible all gender bathroom on main floor
39. Turner
• Accessible main entrance with PAD
• Partially accessible all gender bathroom on first floor
• Elevator to Health and Counseling Services
41. Wetherill Visual Arts Center (VAC)
• Accessible main entrance with PAD
• Accessible right side entrance with PAD
• Accessible bathroom on first floor
• Accessible bathroom on second floor
• Accessible bathroom on third floor
• Elevator
42. Wyndham Robertson Library (WRL)
• Accessible ground floor entrance with PAD
• Accessible all gender bathroom on first floor
• Accessible all gender bathroom on second floor
• Accessible all gender bathroom on third floor
• Elevator
23. Moody
• Accessible main entrance with PAD
• Partially accessible bottom-floor bathroom
• Accessible main floor bathroom
• Partially accessible second-floor all-gender bathroom
• Elevator