Get Involved
The most active women on campus are also the happiest, and many of us credit our involvement in clubs and organizations as one of the best parts of our Hollins experience.
Student Government Association
Student government is a vital part of Hollins life. All undergraduates are members of SGA. With more than 80 SGA positions, you can be an active leader on campus.
Find your best fit
Hollins is home to many clubs and organizations.
- BACKBONE, Cargoes, and Gravel: campus literary journals
- A.C.C.E.N.T. (Association of Countries, Cultures, Events, and National Traditions)
- ADA (school spirit)
- African Student Union (ASU)
- Arts Association
- Asian & Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APISA)
- Black Student Union (BSU)
- Community Garden
- Disabled Students Union
- Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA)
- Fencing Club
- Freya (service organization)
- Hollie Collie Crafters
- Hollins Activity Board (HAB)
- Hollins Cheer Club
- Hollins Outdoor Program (HOP)
- Hollins Repertory Dance Company (HRDC)
- Hollins Student Theatre Association (HSTA)
- HU Haunt
- Hollins University Circle of Christian Athletes (HUCCA)
- Jewish Student Alliance
- Kpop+
- Kingdom Come Community (KCC)
- Level Up!
- Model United Nations/Arab League
- Mud Geeks
- Outdoor Athletes
- Pandora’s Book
- Philosophy Club
- PreMedical/Veterinary Sciences (PMVS)
- Public Health Outreach Club
- Roll With It
- Students for Environmental Action (SEA)
- Students Helping Achieve Rewarding Experiences (SHARE) – community service
- The Coven
- The Spinsters
- The Young Writers Initiative (TYWI)
- Unión de Estudiantes Latines
- Women Who Appreciate Anime (WA2)
Best College Library and Most Politically Active Students
The Princeton Review places Hollins University among the nation’s top institutions for undergraduate education in the new edition of its college guide, The Best 388 Colleges.
Hollins is also featured on the following ranking lists: “Best College Library” (#20) and “Most Politically Active Students” (#24).

If you find something that you want to get involved in, go for it. If the first thing you get involved in isn’t something you really want to do, do something else because that’s what we’re always doing; we’re switching around, trying to find the best fit.
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