The Rock
By tradition, only seniors can paint colorful messages on this large chunk of shale located near the science building.
One of Hollins’ most beloved campus landmarks, the Rock has received a much-needed restoration with the removal of nearly four decades of paint.
First Step
Following Opening Convocation at the beginning of each academic year, seniors take their first official steps onto Front Quad.
Golden Rule Dinner
The money saved by serving a simple dinner goes toward service organizations.
Holiday Tea
A festive gathering full of good cheer and delicious treats.
Hollins Day
Hollins Day pays tribute to all who played a crucial role in Hollins’ institutional history. Video
Hundredth Night
100 days before graduation, seniors have a party and reflect on their Hollins years.
Miss Matty’s Birthday
Matty Cocke, daughter of Hollins’ founder, was the first woman to head a college in Virginia. She served as Hollins’ president from 1901 to 1933.
Pancake Study Breaks
Role reversal: faculty and staff make pancakes for students during late-night study breaks before fall and spring finals.
Passing of the Robes
Seniors bequeath their decorated robes to juniors.
Ring Night
Juniors take part in skits and other silly antics to earn their class rings and discover the identity of their senior sisters.
Road to Commencement
New students are welcomed to the community as they officially begin their Hollins journey in this tradition that mirrors commencement.
Senior Class Banquet
Sophomores host a banquet honoring the senior class.
Sharing the Light: a Holiday Celebration in Story and Song
Expanding on the longstanding tradition of the Hollins White Gift Service, this candlelight event of music, readings, and dance celebrates the spirit of the holiday season, and welcomes the diverse traditions of our community.
Favorite Tradition? Tinker Day
Tinker Day, October 24, 2023
Tinker Day
On a surprise day in the fall, students, faculty, and staff don crazy costumes and hike Tinker Mountain. The reward: a picnic of fried chicken and Tinker Cake.
Video from Tinker Day 2023