
Classical Studies

B.A., Minor


Classical studies is not just ancient history. It’s linguistics and poetics. Gender and women’s studies. Drama and theatre. Art history and architecture. Philosophy and religion. And more. In fact, a classical degree intersects with 90 percent of a modern liberal arts program’s academic disciplines. It’s both a vibrant field in its own right and a rich complement to any other major.


Ancient Studies Concentration

Greece, Rome, and the broader ancient Mediterranean are key sources of western linguistic, cultural, and civic heritage. A classical studies degree at Hollins focuses on these areas. Course work explores the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt as well.

Classical Philology Concentration

This concentration takes an even deeper focus on Latin and Greek, the primary languages of the ancient world.

Latin Minor

You can focus your classical studies particularly toward the language of Ancient Rome with this minor. Students take about half as many courses as the major requirements.

Greek Minor

A Greek minor not only focuses on the Greek language, but the classical mythology and political tendencies that have shaped culture and science as we know them today.

“I really found my voice and I’ve not been afraid to use it, whether it’s in class discussions, serving as a Student Success Leader, or working as a Greek tutor. Hollins has been a place that has helped me flourish into the person I am today and the person I want to be.”

Marie Gruver

"I’m not doing just one field. I get to study art, literature, music, history, math, architecture, religion, and even botany. I get to look at everything."

Christina Salowey

As a group, we would like to give a huge thank you to Professors Richter and Salowey….Each of us had an incredible experience that we will keep with us for the rest of our lives; we are so grateful for the priceless knowledge and wonderful memories we created together. We thank you — Ευχαριστούμε!

After graduation, Hayley Chambers ’06 earned a master’s degree in public history with a concentration in museum studies from UNC-Greensboro. Since then, she has worked at museums in Iowa, South Dakota, and Alaska. She is now senior curator of collections at Alaska’s Ketchikan Museum Department, which operates the Tongass Historical Museum and the Totem Heritage Center.

Classics Symposium

Since 1975, the department has sponsored a one- or two-day event focusing on a single theme of current interest in classical studies. Renowned scholars deliver public lectures and encourage dialogue about the ancient world.

Themes of Past Symposia:

  • “Echoes of Empire: New Approaches to Imperial Strategies in the Ancient Mediterranean,” April 2024
  • “New Studies in Classical Reception: from the Dangerous to the Diverse,” April 2023
  • “Divine Minds,” April 2021
  • “Epic Profanations: Conjuring Homer in the 21st Century,” October 2019
  • “Being There: Martial and Mythological Landscapes of Greece,” November 2018
  • “Breathing New Life into Old Paintings,” November 2017
  • “Engendering Dynasty: Female Bodies and Figural Traditions in Lycian Relief,” April 2017
  • “Bodies of Stability/Faces of ‘Crisis,’” March 2017
  • “Touching Distant Sands with Tales of Brave Ulysses,”* November 2015 (*Eric Clapton 1988, Crossroads)
  • “Ancient Deer: Hunted, Sacred, and Sacrificed,” April 2015
  • “Classics and Science Fiction,” October 2013
  • “Climate, Cattle, and Culture: Environmental Histories of the Ancient Mediterranean,” November 2012
  • “No Angel: Dido in Ancient Rome, Renaissance England, and Beyond,” April 2012
  • “Roman Ritual,” April 2011
  • “Renovating the School of Athens: Intertextual Encounters from Alexandria to Andalusia,” April 2010
  • “Death and the Hero,” March 2009
  • “Dangerous Liaisons: Women and Spectacle in Late Republican Rome,” March 2008
  • “Interpretation of Greeks Who Bear Gifts,” March 2006
  • “Caesar: The Man and the Myth,” March 2005
  • “Oratory and Education: Classical Rhetoric and the Liberal Arts,” October 2002
  • “What Goes on in the House Next Door? Panderers and Prostitutes in Plautus,” November 2001
  • “Meeting at the Crossroads: the Intersection of Judaeo-Christian and Graeco-Roman Worlds,” November 2000
  • “Women and the Classics,” March 2000